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Federal Proposal Would Limit Co-Pay Assistance for Meds

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When generics for my medications became available, the copayment remained the same, $200 to $350 for each. I thought the puropse of generic drugs was to lower cost for the consumer, not enrich the PBM further.

February 28, 2019


I don't see the problem. If costs can be held down using a generic why would anyone object to it? I get that the insurance game is convoluted, confusing and not user friendly but....a generic, if it costs less,is a sensible alternative. Most us us with HIV are getting meds on the cheap via ADAP, we pay very most cases. I see no reason to argue the point of generics if they are equal in quality to brand names. If taxpayers are helping us I say we work with the generics.

February 27, 2019 WI


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